Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week of 12/30/2013

This weeks top headlines:

Global Warming scientists who got stuck in ice that supposedly is disappearing, are still stuck. That's what happens when your computer models were developed by the same team that designed the Obamacare website. 

Democrat Cory Booker sent out an e-mail requesting $0 contribution. I admire Booker because he's the only politician who knows what he's worth.

7 in 10 felons that are registered voters are Democrats. I can't blame them since they'll probably be cellmates one day.

Thanks to Obamacare  doctors could not get authorization for a patients surgery for 2 hours, and had to give up. Apparently I was wrong Obamacare really will save money, but not lives.

In related news the Obamacare website makes it nearly impossible to add a baby to your coverage. Well it should be obvious you were supposed to abort the baby!

Walmart will offer free prescriptions for 30 days for Obamacare enrollees. That's the evil free market at work. Hey Walmart how about a rollback on Obamacare?

The E.P.A. said to give your lover a tree or shrub for Valentine's day. Try giving her a tree, and she'll give you a Louisville slugger upside the head.
Happy Valentine's Day

A feminist blogger claims that p.i.v. (penis in vagina) is always rape. Doesn't this dodo bird realize the p.i.v. brought her into this world? 

The Democrats will be pushing for a raise in the minimum wage. They should try to raise the minimum i.q. of students. No one wants to hire an idiot at any price.
Duh, you really only need to wash your
hands after using the restroom.

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