Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 2017

Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC said "...he (Trump) can actually control exactly what people think, and that, that is our job".
It's more like Mika Brezhnev saying "we have ways of making you think."

President Trump is under fire for implying Sweden is experiencing violent repercussions from migrant refugees.
ICYMI Sweden will be marketing a new shampoo called Behead and Shoulders, it gives infidels silky smooth hair.

Robert Reich tweeted "Trump's lies have consequences, 48 hours after his comments on Sweden, riots broke out in an immigrant community."
I call this the Benghazi Effect: Blaming Islamic violence on a video. In this case it's not a movie, but Trump speaking on television. Apparently Islam was peaceful for thousands of years until video was created. 

The U.N. Secretary General said "Islamophobia causes terrorism.
Yeah well i guess Islamophobia causes terrorism the same way arachnophobia causes spiders. 
See Islamophonya: The stupid notion that if you criticize Islam they will kill you to prove they are a religion of peace.

Christian twitter users told the Pope why they believe God supports extreme vetting.
The scriptures tell us heaven has gates, and angels prevent unauthorized souls to enter. I look at extreme vetting the same way as I look at a colonoscopy, it's invasive, and uncomfortable, but it prevents needless deaths.

The 9th Circuit upheld the block on President Trump's travel ban.
Those who say the constitution is fluid have already pissed on it, and swearing to uphold the constitution does not mean cursing it.

Mexican protesters commit violence over ICE deportations in Austin.
Nothing says I want to be an American citizen more than coming here illegally and then committing felony rioting.

Paris is spending 22,000,000 euros to build a wall around the Eiffel Tower to protect it from terror attacks.
Francly I find it amusing that they are saving the Eiffel Tower from the Parisites known as migrants.

Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) asked the nominee for CIA Director Mike Pompeo about the impact of climate change.
Someone once said there are no stupid questions, apparently they never went to a confirmation hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Democrats plan to withhold Federal taxes to  protest Trump.
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but not paying taxes will fine thee.

Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters said "...Putin is continuing to advance into Korea".
She probably meant Crimea, but it is possible she overheard Putin ordering  Kim Chi Un with bulgogi beef.

Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi said "we've seen nothing that we can work-that I can work with President Bush on...".
Ah! Insanity may be temporary, but blame Bush is forever.

Migrants burned down a German refugee center because they ran out of Gummy Bears.
Liberals will now have a new right to crusade, the right to Bear Gummy's.

Massive amounts of trash were left behind by Standing Rock protesters leaving North Dakota at risk of "Environmental Disaster".
Don't you just love those who are saving the planet? Personally I think they are enviro-mentally ill.
Who will save the earth from those trying to save the earth?

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